Minergy Eco
Minergie is a quality label for new buildings and modernised old buildings. The Minergie label covers the standards: Minergie, Minergie-P, Minergie-A and the supplement Minergie-Eco.
Minergie-Eco supplements Minergie and Minergie-P. Minergie-Eco is a cooperation project of the Minergie and eco-bau associations. It supplements the topics of energy efficiency and comfort of the Minergie label with health and construction ecology. Further information on Minergie can be found at the following website: www.minergie.ch

The building materials used are also subject to certain guidelines. The products can be tested and listed either with eco-bau or with the Schweizer Stiftung Farbe (Swiss Colour Foundation). Further details can be found in the list of requirements for Minergie-ECO (working documents – suitable products for auxiliary materials).
Eco-bau’s product directory offers a three-stage evaluation. Other products can still be used as long as they meet the Minergie-ECO product requirements: eco-bau – product directory.
CONICA has listed products that can be used indoors with the Swiss Colour Foundation. Products are classified into the appropriate category A-G according to clear criteria. Products in categories A to C may be used for Minergie-Eco without further testing. Our product classifications can be found in the Swiss Colour Foundation product list. Here you will find not just our low-emission products but all products that can be used mainly indoors.