On the Fast Track
17. April 2024
Athletes offer valuable safety, performance insights in Conica survey.
Switzerland-based Conica, a world leader in sports flooring solutions, recently conducted a comprehensive survey to assess the preferences, experiences and perceptions of track and field athletes.
The survey collects and helps the company analyze the athletes’ opinions about how the track on which they train and compete affects their performance and satisfaction. The results of the most recent survey shed light on the pivotal role that track conditions and quality play in shaping athletes’ performance and safety.
Your Voice, Your Track
Julio Fernando Fadel, head of global marketing and communication for Conica, said because athletics transcends boundaries, the industry attracts individuals from all walks of life. He said Conica’s survey reflects this diversity with responses spanning across amateur, semi-professional and professional levels of participation. One-third of the respondents classified themselves as professional and most identified themselves as amateurs. This range highlights the broad appeal and accessibility of the sport, he noted.
The survey also assessed the frequency with which the athletes utilized the track.
“From once-a-week enthusiasts to dedicated athletes training six or more times a week, the passion for improvement was perceptible, underscoring the unwavering dedication of athletes to their craft,” Fadel said.
Safety in Numbers
Safety emerged as a significant concern among athletes, with an overwhelming majority emphasizing its significance on the track. When asked how important safety is in track performance, survey respondents indicated 3.7 stars out of 4.
In fact, when asked if they ever suffered injuries due to the conditions of a track, 41 percent of the survey respondents indicated they had.
“These findings underscore the importance of ongoing investment in track infrastructure and maintenance to support athletes’ well-being,” noted Fadel.
Performance Impact
The condition of the track was deemed to have a significant impact on the performance of survey respondents. When considering how the condition of the track influences performance during competitions, those responding to the survey indicated a rating of 3 stars out of 4. Eighty percent of those who responded said they have experience with competitions on various athletic tracks and have taken note of the differences in conditions and how that affected their performance.
Fadel said respondents provided valuable insights into their perceptions of track characteristics conducive to speed and performance. Factors such as stiffness, responsiveness and surface quality were identified by the survey participants as key determinants of a fast track.
Challenges and Opportunities
While the survey illuminated various aspects of athletics, it also highlighted areas for improvement and innovation.
Fadel said the insights gleaned from the survey reiterate the need to leverage the opinions of athletes of all skill levels, empowering them.
“Things like enhanced track conditions can shape the future of athletics for generations to come,” said Fadel. “We at Conica remain steadfast in our commitment to fostering excellence, inclusivity and safety in the world of athletics.”